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Documentaries: Documentaries

Information for:  A Japanese Film on the Lytton Commission in 1932. Located at:

Manchukuo: Asia’s Unfinished War (12 mins) English

Battlefield – Manchuria: The Forgotten Victory (1 hour, 37 minutes)

Soviet Liberation of NE China


War Stories: USSR vs. Japan – The invasion of Manchuria

Battlefield – Manchuria: The Forgotten Victory, Part 1

Battlefield – Manchuria: The Forgotten Victory, Part 2

World War Zero – The Russo-Japanese War

Doc Russo-Japanese War

Lecture: The Russo-Japanese War

Asano brigade – Russians in Manchukuo Army 1938-1943 (3 mins)

Dark history of the Soviet army in the Northeast 苏军在东北的黑历史 (40 mins)

The Manchu and Jurchen People – The Forgotten Leaders of China (10 mins)

Pioneer immigrant truth 拓殖移民的真相 🔊日本語 (48 mins)

Zhang Zuolin 日本人为什么要暗杀东北王张作霖 (38 mins)

First PM of Manchukuo Zheng Xiaoxu’s house in Dalian

Manchukuo revealed 家国梦断十四年——伪满洲国揭密03 (27 mins, 49 secs)

Japanese temple 伪满洲国日本神武殿 (2 mins, 8 secs)

PM’s son “伪满洲国”总理照片背后的秘密情报 从汉奸之子到红色特工 (25 mins, 35 secs)

Immigration 满洲日本移民政策尘封71年的真相 中日双语字幕 in Chinese and Japanese (49 mins)

Economics 所谓中国经济发展奇迹,与昔日满洲国相比如何?(下)

Manchukuo revealed 伪满洲国揭密02

Manchukuo revealed 伪满洲国揭密01

Jin empire 滿洲國歷史 第五集 金-真-元-金

Khitan Liao滿洲國歷史第三集(下)

Qing 滿洲國歷史 第六集(下)

Qing VIDEO: 滿洲國歷史 第六集(上)

Bohai 滿洲國歷史 第二集 渤海-契丹

Ancient Manchuria 滿洲國歷史 第一集 遠古至高句麗

Jin-Yuan VIDEO: 滿洲國歷史 第四集 金-元

Fengtian/Shenyang 滿洲國歷史 第七集(上) 奉天

Fengtian/Shenyang 滿洲國歷史 第七集(下) 奉天

Manchuria different aspects 伪满洲国的种种待遇给了我们启示

Manchuria development 滿洲國有多發達

Museum of the Imperial Palace

The Enemy Japan: Dream of Empire

Life in Japanese Manchuria: A Tourist’s account of Manchukuo (13 mins)

少帅第一集 张学良

VIDEO: “Manchukuo – The Newborn Empire” (1932)

(Backup Link)