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Literature Translated into English

Works by writers in Manchuria about Manchuria

English Translations Available Elsewhere:

Abe Kōbō. Beasts Head for Home: A Novel. Translated by Richard Calichman. Columbia University Press, 2017.

Duanmu Hongliang. The Sorrows of Egret Lake: Selected Stories by Duanmu Hongliang. (Chinese-English Bilingual Edition). Translated by Howard Goldblatt and Haili Kong. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2009.

Gu Ding. “Sensha no kotoba” (Statements by Selectors). In Yamada Seizaburō, Kitamura Kenjirō, Gu Ding, Kawabata Yasunari, Kishida Kunio and Shimaki Kensaku, eds.  Manshūkoku kaku minzoku sōsaku senshū (1) (Collection of Literary Selections by Each Ethnicity in Manchukuo, 1), 112-113. Translated by Annika A. Culver. In Jonathan Henshaw, Craig A. Smith, and Norman Smith, eds. Translating the Occupation: The Japanese Invasion of China. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2021, 103-114

Jia Ren, Mei Niang, Wu Ying. “Open Letters from Women Writers of Manchukuo: Mei Niang and Wu Ying, Jia Ren to Yang Xu.” Translated by Norman Smith. In Jonathan Henshaw, Craig A. Smith, and Norman Smith, eds. Translating the Occupation: The Japanese Invasion of China, 1931-45. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2021, pp. 115-127.

Kang Kyeong-ae. Anton Hur, transl. The Underground Village: Short Stories by Kang Kyeong-ae. London, UK: Honford Star, 2018. (all the stories were written while she lived in Manchukuo)

Kitamura Kenjirō. “Sensha no kotoba” (Statements by Selectors). In Yamada Seizaburō, Kitamura Kenjirō, Gu Ding, Kawabata Yasunari, Kishida Kunio and Shimaki Kensaku, eds.  Manshūkoku kaku minzoku sōsaku senshū (1) (Collection of Literary Selections by Each Ethnicity in Manchukuo, 1), 111-112. Translated by Annika A. Culver. In Jonathan Henshaw, Craig A. Smith, and Norman Smith, eds. Translating the Occupation: The Japanese Invasion of China. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2021, 103-114.

Koizumi Kikue, “Manchu Girl.” Translated by Kimberley T. Kono. In Reading Colonial Japan, Text, Context, and Critique. Edited by Michele Mason and Helen Lee. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2012, 209-241.

Mei Niang. Mei Niang’s Long-Lost First Writings: Young Lady’s Collection. Translated by Norman Smith. London, UK: Routledge, 2023.

Secret Story of Cross-Border Smuggling. Translated by Jovanne Tan Li Qi. Samch’ŏlli vol. 5, 1933.

Xiao Hong. Ma Bo’le’s Second Life. Translated by Howard Goldblatt. Open Letter, 2018.

Xiao Hong. The Dyer’s Daughter: Selected Stories of Xiao Hong. Translated by Howard Goldblatt. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2005

Xiao Hong. The Field of Life and Death & Tales of Hulan River. Translated by. Howard Goldblatt. Boston: Cheng & Tsui Company, 2002.

Xiao Jun. Village in August. Translated by Edgar Snow. New York: Smith & Durrell, 1942.

Yamada Seizaburō. “Sensha no kotoba” (Statements by Selectors). In Yamada Seizaburō, Kitamura Kenjirō, Gu Ding, Kawabata Yasunari, Kishida Kunio and Shimaki Kensaku, eds.  Manshūkoku kaku minzoku sōsaku senshū (1) (Collection of Literary Selections by Each Ethnicity in Manchukuo, 1), 110-111. Translated by Annika A. Culver. In Jonathan Henshaw, Craig A. Smith, and Norman Smith, eds. Translating the Occupation: The Japanese Invasion of China. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2021, 103-114.

Zhu Ti, Li Zhengzhong. Writing Manchuria: The Lives and Literature of Zhu Ti and Li Zhengzhong. Translated by Norman Smith. London, UK: Routledge, 2023.

Works by writers in Manchuria that the writer wrote post 1945, as a memory

Dan Kazuo 檀一雄

Ushijima Haruko 牛島春子

Yamada Seizaburō 山田清三郎