Jin Yin is a penname of Ma Jiarang. Jin was born on 24 September 1916 in Shenyang. In 1929, he entered middle school and with fellow students began a journal. He also began to publish in 新民晚报 (New People’s Evening News). In 1933, he graduated from Fengtian First Teacher Training Institute and published writings in Minbao 民报(People’s Daily)In 1934, he graduated to Jilin Senior Middle Teacher Institute to study the arts and music. In 1938, after graduation, he taught in Qiqihaer’s Women’s Middle School. He published a novel in 大同报(Great Unity Herald) and published a collection of poetry in 1941. In 1942, he published a collection of short stories. In 1958, he was condemned as a Rightist. In 1979, that decision was reversed.