Sample of Liang Shanding’s calligraphyDatong bao (Great unity herald). (2 July 1938): 4.Cover of Liang Shanding, ed. Zhuxin ji [Candlewick collection] (Collection of Manchukuo male writer’s work)Cover of Liang Shanding, ed. Changye yinghuo [Fireflies of the ling night] (Collection of Manchukuo’s female writer’s work)Cover of Liang Shanding, ed.Zuo Di, Luo Mai shi wen ji [Collection of Luo Mai [Zuo Di]’s Poetry and Writings] (1990)Covers of Shan Ding, ed. Feng nian (Bumper-harvest year). Beijing: Xinmin yin shuguan, 1944.Cover of Shan Ding’s Shan feng [Mountain wind], 1940.