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Mei Niang: Examples of Writing


Translated by Norman Smith



Congming de Nan Gai [Clever Nan Gai], 1944.

Shaonű he yuanhou [Maiden and the ape], 1944.

Xie [Crabs], 1944.

Yu [Fish], 1944.

See Links Translated into English page for translated works.

1940 inscription from Mei Niang to Lu Feng (Su Ruilin).
Text on right: “Don’t write idle texts, don’t paint idle paintings.” Mei Niang, August 31.
Text on left: “When I saw you for the first time, I thought you were very reserved, but after a while, I realized that you were really not like that, so I thought, if you remove that bit of restraint, you will be more amiable.” Mei Niang, September 15.


1957 article denouncing Mei Niang.