History of Northeast China (Dongbei): Manchuria, Literature and Culture
Wu Ying: Examples of Writing
Wu Ying, “Yu shikou” [Fish Market].Yi Bing, Nű zuojia Wu Ying shi fangwen ji” [Notes from an Interview with Woman Writer Wu Ying], Qilin [Unicorn], 8 (1943): 136-139.Wu Ying, “Chuxi Da DongYa wenxuezhe da hui suo gan” [Feelings about Attending the Greater East Asia Writers’ Congress] Qilin [Unicorn] 3.2 (1943): 48-50. (The title of the main article has been moved from before Jue Qing’s contribution to before Wu Ying’s contribution. The entire article is from page 48 to page 50 in the original journal.)Wu Ying, “Jiang hua” [Stiff flowers], Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times]. 12 January 1942 – 27 February 1942.Wu Ying, “Ruyi gu” [Auspicious Auntie] : 90.Image from Wu Ying, “Howl” (1943).Image from Wu Ying, “Yu” (Lust), Qilin [Unicorn] 2.10 (1942): 91.Illustration from Wu Ying, “Yu” (Lust), in Qilin [Unicorn] 2.10 (1942): 61.Illustration from Wu Ying, “Yu” (Lust), Qilin [Unicorn] 2.10 (1942): 61-62.Image from Wu Ying, Lű [Travel] : 158.Cover of Wu Ying’s collected works, Liang ji [Two extremes]